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Revision Quizzes for COC - Topics by KC
Quizzes with Answers for Practice
Windlass and Mooring Winches
Slides on Windlass & Mooring Winches
Deck Machineries
Course Slides are Uploaded ...But they will be revised!
Shipboard Heat Exchangers
Shipboard Heat ExchangersAim: Understand the constructional feature...
Special Limit Revision
Go through these quizzes to revise your course material. You should...
Valves and Actuating Mechanisms
This lesson will provide students the understanding of design consi...
Scavenging and Supercharging
Scavenging is
process of flushing out burnt gases from engine cyl...
Fuel Injection Syetm
The purpose of the fuel injection system is to provide the appropri...
Gear and Chain Transmission
Gear and chain drives for shipboard marine diesel engines.
Connecting Rod Bottom End Bolts
The bottom end bearing is kept together by connecting rod bottom en...
GME COC5 - Control System Lab [Run 4]
This comprehensive 80-hour course GME Control System Lab provides a...
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